
28 aprile 2013

posted by Stefano in concerti-2012-2013 on 21/04/2013

Concerto in memoria di Lino Benazzato

DOMENICA 28/04/2013  h 21.00

Prima Parte

Benjamin Britten (1913-1976) da A Ceremony of Carols
Procession. Hodie Christus natus est
This little Babe

John Rutter (1945)
The Lord bless you and keep you

Orlando Dipiazza (1929)
Ave, Regina

Jesùs Debòn (1959)

Andrea venturini (1959)

Frederik Loewe (1901-1988)
Ascot Gavotte (dalla commedia musicale  "My Fair Lady")
Trascrizione di Alessandro Toffolo

Igor Cognolato, pianoforte

Kolbe Children’s Choir

Direttore Alessandro Toffolo

Seconda parte

G.F.Haendel (1685-1759) Selezione da “Israel in Egypt”

And their cry came up unto God
He spake the word
He gave them hailstones
He sent a thick darkness
He smote all the first born of Egypt
But for his people
He rebuked the red sea
He led them through the deep
But the waters overwelmed
And Israel saw that great work
And believed the Lord
Moses and the children of Israel
I will sing unto the Lord
The depths have covered them
Thy right hand, o Lord
And with the blast of Thy nostrils
The Lord shall reign
Sing ye to the Lord

Massimo D’Onofrio, voce recitante

Polifonica Benedetto Marcello       
Kolbe Children’s Choir

Direttore Alessandro Toffolo

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